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Monday, August 10, 2009

Johnny Bunko - The Last Career Guide you'll ever need

Meet Johnny Bunko. He's probably a lot like you. Well maybe not so if you are currently in worksearch! Johnny is stuck in a dead end job, he's begun to suspect that what he thought he knew is just plain wrong. We pick up the story written in the Japanese comic format known as manga, when he meets Diana his soon to be personal career advisor. She brings Johnny on a journey through six essential lessons for thriving in the world of work. These lessons can also be followed by anyone in the world of worksearch. It might help not ending up in a dead end job.

So here are the lessons

1) There is no plan!
NO PLAN I hear you cry, well according to Diana we can't sit there at 21, 31 or 41 and map it all out, she talks about doing things for fundamental reasons, not instrumental!!
2) Think strengths, not weaknesses
I am not very good at writing, spelling or grammar, however I can come up some good ideas and source good material - I use that to my advantage in writing this blog (every now and then)
3) It's not about you!
It's about your client, potential employer, your customer, use your strengths, you're there to serve not to self actualise. According to Diana most successful people improve their lives by improving others' lives.
4) Persistence trumps talent
Think compound interest - it builds on itself overtime
5) Make excellent mistakes

6) Leave an IMPRINT

Dan Pink's excellent book which looks like an average novel, maybe 3/4 hours reading, you will have this cobbled up in 30 minutes and six valuable lessons to boot!


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