- Skills: Shortages or Over skilled
- Fear of Rejection – Disillusion
- Our Efforts may not be fruitful
- Limited Thinking
- Dropping Salaries in the Market
- Jobs not openly advertised
- Financial pressure to take the wrong job
- No Jobs
Negative: 1. Skills:Shortages or Over Skilled
Action: Under skilled
- Up skill for 1 to 2 years to be ready for a good job in the recovery
- Make sure courses pursued are appropriate to the industry
- Make ourselves more marketable by having extra qualifications
- Gain Work Experience with courses (to get foot in the door)
Over Skilled
- Widen Category
- Tailor CV to suit job
- Use skills to create a new, potential work
Negative:2. Fear of Rejection – Disillusion
- Use all of the above
- Keep up Activities
- Put together a daily Job Plan (Business Development Plan) to make our job seeking our own personal ‘business’
- Read widely
- Ensure rejections make us more determined to get that work
- Count our blessings
- Create a positive list
- Create new Questions
Negative:3. Our efforts may not be fruitful
- Change our attitude: questions: manner
- Change how we do things – change the venues where we seek work, the type of work we seek, the market, etc
- Post on the Blog
- Contribute to the Blog
- Ask ‘Why’ at interviews, where we are not successful and learn from the responses
Negative:4. Limited Thinking
- Talk to Others
- Network
- Create a Plan/Vision
- Set Goals and test weekly where we are achieving on these goals
- Brainstorm
- Avoid negative influences
- Create a new language to develop our new thinking
Negative:5. Dropping Salaries in the market
- Accept this reality
- Acknowledge that costs are dropping also
- Work out a budget
- Find new providers for our bill paying
- Think Long Term Prospects
- Look at government grants:
- Enterprise Ireland
- Enterprise Boards
- Negotiate renumeration according to excellent performance (be creative)
Negative:6. Jobs not openly advertised/not real
- Eliminate wrong searches
- Target (only) the business we require
- Join Linked-in or other social media groups
- Create a Real Plan to Target Real Jobs
Negative:7. Financial Pressure to take the wrong job
- Control financial outgoings
- Change Lifestyle – do simple stuff with no or low cost
- Be Creative with finances
- Barter with other professions for needs
- Use all facilities – source and resource
Negative:8. No Jobs
The Group feels that if all the actions cited above are carried through, then the most difficult negative to overcome – NO JOBS – will not exist.
Well done everyone and I hope you will use these ideas and many more.
Best of luck
These are the notes of a facilitation with Valerie Pierce, Director of Clear & Critical Thinking Ltd, using her training technique to change negative thinking into positive action.
To contact Valerie, please visit her website www.clearcriticalthinking.com